Policy Briefs
April 19, 2019
Will Senator Grassley Gets His “Reality Check” on the Outdated DSH Formula?
Unless Congress takes action, CMS is slated to cut payments for Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) by $4 billion on October 1, 2019, with reductions totaling $43 billion by 2025. These cuts, which were mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), have been postponed by Congress multiple times. There are several discussions taking place to address the cuts and while consensus has not been reached, changes to the DSH formula are on the horizon. Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, recently wrote an op-ed supporting the DSH cuts and changes to the DSH formula. Florida Senator Marco Rubio and the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) have also recommended changes. [Included] are more details on the discussions taking place.
Also in Policy Brief:
- Update Around Site Neutral Payments
- Takeaways from the Senate’s PBM Hearing
- Medicare Advantage Final Rule Released
- A Look at the Federal Register
- In Other News