AHPA continues to follow new COVID-19 regulations, guidance and other government actions.
The updates below are the latest guidance and other developments since June 14th to help
mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. For earlier COVID-19 regulations and guidance, visit the
previous Policy Briefs.
New OSHA COVID-19 Standards for Health Care Industry
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an emergency temporary
standard (ETS) to aid in the protection against occupational exposure to COVID-19. The ETS
requires health care employers protect their workers in settings where COVID-19 patients are
Full ETS | Fact Sheet | FAQs
HRSA Awards Grants to Bolster COVID-19 Vaccination in Underserved Areas
HRSA has awarded the first round of vaccine outreach funding to 14 nonprofits or public
organizations. The funding is meant to support locally tailored efforts to build vaccine confidence.
HHS Announces New Workforce Program to Strengthen U.S. Public Health
HHS announced that $80 million from the America Rescue Plan will be used to establish the
Public Health Informatics & Technology Workforce Development Program (PHIT Workforce

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