Policy Briefs
October 16, 2020
Updates on COVID-19 Regulations
AHPA continues to follow new COVID-19 regulations, guidance and other government actions. The updates below are the latest guidance and other developments since October 3, 2020 to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. For earlier COVID-19 regulations and guidance, visit the last Policy Brief.
HHS Announces $20 Billion in Additional Provider Relief
- HHS recently announced $20 billion in new funding for providers on the frontlines of the pandemic. Providers that have already received Provider Relief Fund payments are invited to apply from today until November 6, 2020. Eligibility for these funds will also be extended to behavioral health providers and those who began practicing at the beginning of 2020.
CMS Releases Interpretative Guidance on Mandatory COVID-19 Data Reporting
- CMS has released guidance on how it will implement an interim final rule that makes collecting and reporting COVID-19 data a Condition of Participation (CoP) for hospitals that participate in Medicare. For highlights on the guidance, click here.
CDC Revises Guidelines to Include Sustained Airborne Transmission
- The CDC has updated its COVID-19 guidelines to include that the virus can be spread through aerosols, can linger in the air sustained periods of time and may travel farther than six feet. This presents new challenges for operators developing indoor social-distancing guidelines.
Updated CDC Guidance | EPA Indoor Air and COVID-19 Guidance
FDA Releases Stricter COVID-19 Vaccine Guidelines
The FDA recently released updated guidelines for COVID-19 vaccine developers, despite disagreements with White House officials. The FDA has expressed its desire to accelerate vaccine development without sacrificing safety.