Policy Briefs
August 21, 2020
Updates on COVID-19 Regulations
AHPA continues to follow new COVID-19 regulations, guidance and other government actions. The updates below are the latest guidance and other developments since August 10th to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. For earlier COVID-19 regulations and guidance, visit the last Policy Brief.
HHS Announces Allocation of CARES Act Funding for Nursing Homes
HHS has announced the details of the next round of nursing home Provider Relief Fund (PRF) distribution, as authorized by the CARES Act. The PRF distribution will total approximately $5 billion.
Additional Opportunity for Provider Relief Fund’s Phase 2 Applications
HHS has launched a second opportunity to apply for additional funding under the PRF. Eligible providers must submit their application for consideration by August 28, 2020.
Year-End COVID-19 State Testing Plans
HHS has publicly released the July through December COVID-19 Testing Plans for all states, territories and localities. These plans serve as a roadmap developed in partnership with the federal government for each jurisdiction.
Updated Requirement for COVID-19 DRG Add-on
CMS has updated guidance related to the 20% DRG rate add-on for patients diagnosed with COVID-19. For inpatient admissions occurring on or after September 1st, eligible claims will be required to document a positive COVID-19 test in the medical record.
Open document to read more; page 5.