Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan have chosen Dr. Atul Gawande to be the CEO of their new health care venture, taking responsibility for the health of more than a million employees. Perhaps best known for his writing, Berkshire Hathaway credits Gawande’s piece The Cost Conundrum as sparking their initial interest. The practicing surgeon has a long history of taking a microscope to the flaws of America’s health system. In selecting Gawande, someone without much operational experience, the merger’s leadership may be indicating that his innovative health care philosophies trump concerns around his lack of time in the C-suite.

Also in Policy Brief:

  • The Rising Cost of Drugs – How Do Manufacturers Explain It?
  • Farm Bill with Work Requirements for SNAP Passes the House
  • MedPAC Releases Report to Congress
  • Alex Azar at Washington Post Live
  • CMS Announces Initiatives to Combat Medicaid Fraud
  • A Look at The Federal Register

Published June 29, 2018

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