Principles for Treatment of Transgender Persons
The Principles shared in this document are summarized in the following 10 points:
1. Provide compassionate, unbiased care that preserves patients’ dignity
2. Understand the complex development of gender identity
3. Avoid unfounded assumptions about gender identity and sexual orientation
4. Follow professionally established standards for clinical treatment
5. Prepare to adjust care based on new evidence
6. Arrange facilities appropriate for gender identity
7. Ensure that basic care is not delayed
8. Consult with experts before altering ongoing specialized therapy
9. Forego unnecessary questions about physical characteristics
10. Seek guidance from transgender patients about use of names
The following principles are intended to encourage hospitals and health care professionals in the Adventist health systems affiliated with the Adventist Health Policy Association to provide compassionate, whole-person care for transgender persons, in keeping with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ and respectful of the biblical convictions of Adventist faith. These guidelines are not intended to serve as institutional policies, but rather to encourage thoughtful care that seeks to be free of unfairness based on gender identity or gender expression.