Policy Briefs
November 13, 2020
Updates on COVID-19 Regulations
AHPA continues to follow new COVID-19 regulations, guidance and other government actions. The updates below are the latest guidance and other developments since November 2, 2020 to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. For earlier COVID-19 regulations and guidance, visit the last Policy Brief.
CDC Updates COVID-19 Infection Control Guidance
- The CDC has updated its recommended COVID-19 practices to prevent and control infection in health care settings. Topics include personnel screenings, managing ventilation systems and facility visitation policy.
CY 2021 Final Home Health Rule Makes Telehealth Waivers Permanent
- CMS has released a final rule that permanently extends the home health telehealth flexibilities extended during the COVID-19 pandemic and implements new wage index calculations. CMS stresses that telehealth cannot substitute for an in-person home visit ordered on the plan of care or be considered a “visit” for payment purposes.
New COVID-19 Interim Final Rule with Comment Period
CMS has released an interim final rule providing enhanced COVID-19 reimbursement rates, outlining price transparency requirements for providers and finalizing coverage policies for COVID-19 vaccines. The rule also extends the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement model’s Performance Year 5 until September 30, 2021. For a summary of this rule, click here.