November 9, 2023
2024 Hospital Price Transparency Updates Implementation Timeline
CMS finalized several changes to the hospital price transparency regulations, including requiring the following:
- Displaying the required standard charges data using a CMS template, rather than allowing flexibility in form and format of display.
- Encoding standard charge information in a CSV or JSON format.
- Affirming that the machine-readable file information is true, accurate and complete as of the date indicated on the file.
- Updating the hospital’s website with additional links and access points to the machine-readable file.
- Certification by an authorized hospital official as to the accuracy and completeness of data.
- Submission of an acknowledgement of receipt of any enforcement warning notices.
Whilst these changes go into effect on January 1, 2024, enforcement dates will vary by requirement to allow hospitals adequate time to implement changes. Click below to view the implementation timeline finalized in the CY 2024 OPPS final rule.